ESSCP Training Update (23 August 2024)
Please see below for the current East Sussex Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (ESSCP) virtual and classroom training opportunities and cascade this information to any relevant staff. Click on the link for each course to take you straight to the course details. You need to be logged into your account for the hyperlinks to work. Put ESSCP in the search field and you can view all the ESSCP training on offer.
Please note: We have opened our new platform for learning and training in East Sussex at
Reducing Parental Conflict – additional online courses
Do you work with families that struggle with communication?
Do you work with separated parents who put the children in the middle of their disagreements?
The workshops are presentation based, delivered on Microsoft Teams. The sessions are approx. 60mins per session with slides, video and time for reflective discussions and sharing best practice. For more information and to book onto the workshop please clink on the Ticket Tailor links provided on the attached flyer.
In Focus
Take this course | Suicide Awareness – Working with families with children up to 16: Identifying, responding to and referring children and young people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours.
Date: 18/09/24 Venue: Virtual, Zoom |
These introductory awareness courses will equip professionals working with families to pick up on vulnerabilities, identify who might be at risk and start an open conversation about suicide, as this is one of the best way we know to prevent suicide. |
New courses
Take this | Understanding Safeguarding in a Digital World
Date: 16/09/24 Venue: Wellshurst Golf Club, Hellingly |
This course will enable professionals to explore current research and practice in relation to children and young people’s use of mobile technologies. By the end of the course participants will have explored how children use technology, addressed the benefits alongside the risks explore different methods of keeping children safe, identified various resources and tools available and identified the added risks for vulnerable children, e.g. children with learning disabilities. |
Take this course | Improving Outcomes for Children in Care and Care Leavers – FREE COURSE
Date: 24/09/24 Venue: Virtual MS Teams |
Messages from practice and research highlights that children and adults who are care experienced have higher rates of physical, emotional, social, and educational need, and are more likely to experience homelessness, teenage pregnancy, prison and problems with their mental and emotional health.
They are also more likely to die younger. The majority of children who enter care have suffered significant harm, neglect and trauma, and some are children who have travelled alone from their country of origin to seek asylum in UK. |
Take this | Child Criminal Exploitation and Child Sexual Exploitation – Working with Young People at Risk
Date: 19/09/24 Venue: Virtual, Zoom |
This is an overview of Child Sexual and Criminal Exploitation, aiming to give participants a foundation level of knowledge across areas including; Models of exploitation, Vulnerabilities and risk factors for children and young people, Online and Face to Face exploitation , Hidden demographics such young men and people with disabilities , Awareness of the role for trauma in stages of intervention , Overview of criminal exploitation, including county line, cuckooing and radicalization.
The learning is delivered as a mix of case studies, knowledge checking through quiz’ and sharing of best practice from our experiences CSE Specialist Trainers. |
Places still available
Take this course | Contextual Safeguarding: Understanding, and responding to, young people’s experiences of significant harm beyond their families
Date: 26/09/24 Venue: Wellshurst Golf Club, Hellingly This face to face classroom course, will enable participants to understand the meaning of Contextual Safeguarding and how we are responding to the issue within East Sussex. Participants will gain an understanding of the theory of contextual assessment and the links between children at risk of exploitation and how contextual approaches will support and enhance traditional safeguarding approaches. |
Take this course | Understanding Self-Harm in Children and Young People using the East Sussex Tool kit
Date: 02/10/24 Venue: Wellshurst Golf Club, Hellingly This training session is for professionals working with children and young people. It is important to understand about self-harm. In East Sussex recent data showed that around a third of secondary age children have intentionally hurt themselves. In primary schools the numbers are increasing. Aim of the course. To understand what self-harm is and increase confidence in having the conversation with a young person if they tell you about their self-harm. |
Take this course | Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and Breast Ironing – identifying and challenging harmful traditional practices
Date: 09/10/24 Venue: Virtual, MS Teams Would you like to increase your knowledge and understanding of this complex area of Safeguarding? Do you feel confident in challenging certain practices whilst trying to remain sensitive and respectful to cultural and religious traditions? This important multi-agency course is being presented by a very experienced external trainer, who has worked closely with local authorities and police forces to combat these behaviours and can bring personal knowledge to this training event. The sessions are spread over four hour time frame with time for breaks. |
Take this course | Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage – identifying and challenging harmful traditional practices
Date: 16/10/24 Venue: Virtual, MS Teams Would you like to increase your knowledge and understanding of this complex area of Safeguarding? Do you feel confident in challenging certain practices whilst trying to remain sensitive and respectful to cultural and religious traditions? This important multi-agency course is being presented by a very experienced external trainer, who has worked closely with local authorities and police forces to combat these behaviours and can bring personal knowledge to this training event. This course aims to increase the knowledge, awareness, and understanding of Honour Based Abuse and Forced Marriage and the impact on victims/children. Topics covered will include identification, assessment and reporting processes to support professionals in their safeguarding role. |
The following CWA courses are also open to the multi-agency audience.
Exploring Inclusive Practice in Your Team – Racial, Ethnic and Religious Diversity
CWA course – 08/10/24 & 06/02/25
Working with Trans and Gender Exploring Children and Young People
Course: Working with Trans and Gender Exploring Children and Young People (
CWA course – 12/11/2024 & 28/02/25
Holding Difficult Conversations with Families – Workshop for Practitioners
CWA course – 19/11/24 & 27/02/25
Adopting a Whole Family Approach to Domestic Abuse and Promoting Safety – Professional Level Workshop
CWA course – 17 & 24/09/24
Adult Mental Health and Suicide Risk Management
Course: Adult Mental Health and Suicide Risk Management (
CWA course – 19 & 26/11/24
Please see below for current ESCC Adult Social Care training opportunities open to Children’s Services and ESSCP partner organisations.
Please cascade this information to relevant staff. Click on the link below to view the course details, to book your place via the Learning Portal click Enrol and then click Sign-up. If the link does not take you directly to the course, please login to the site first and then click the course link again.
09 October 2024, Responding to First Disclosures, ASC/24/550
17 December 2024, Sexual Violence and the Legal System, ASC/24/549
16 January 2024, Impact of Sexual Violence and Abuse, ASC/25/63
11 February 2025, Modern Slavery Awareness Workshop, ASC/25/25
Many thanks
Kind regards Adult Social Care Training
Online Learning | |
eLearning courses covering mental health, child sexual abuse, domestic abuse, alcohol and drugs and much more are available on our new website at | |
If you have any queries about the booking process or course administration, please contact us.
Kind regards
Workforce Development Training Events Team