Child Trafficking Modern Slavery E-learning Module
The Home Office is pleased to announce the launch of a new E-learning module focussed on child victims of modern slavery (July 2021). Building on the First Responder training developed by the Home Office in 2020, we have now released a second, child-focussed, module which aims to further develop practitioners’ understanding of modern slavery from a child safeguarding perspective. The E-learning will be hosted on the Modern Slavery and Organised Immigration Crime Unit’s (MSOICU) website.
The primary target audience of the E-learning will be the statutory safeguarding partners within England and Wales, but it will also provide useful context for other First Responders across the UK. The module focusses on child victims of modern slavery, the steps practitioners should take to safeguard victims, and the role of the NRM in these cases.
The module includes content on:
- Child-specific indicators of MS and why children are particularly vulnerable
- Grooming and recruitment into exploitation
- Child criminal exploitation
- Child sexual exploitation
- Section 45 defence
- Safeguarding and making an NRM referrals
The Home Office would strongly encourage all First Responders and frontline professionals who come into contact with children to take the training. It takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and there is an accompanying workbook to help consolidate the user’s learning.
There is a survey at the end of the training to capture high level anonymised data on where the user works and to invite feedback on the module.
The new E-learning module can be found Chid Trafficking responder training
For more info and resources on Modern Slavery: Modern slavery training: resource page
Please do share more widely with your colleagues and stakeholders to raise awareness of this training opportunity