Children and Families who move across Sussex – new procedure and guidance
At any stage of working with a child and their family, the parents/carers and/or the child may move to a different Local Authority area. It is important that professionals from all agencies know what to do when families move. Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (formally SCRs) have repeatedly shown us the importance of effective case transfer when families move. Reviews too often highlight missed notifications of moves between authorities, confusion over ‘responsibility and ownership’ of such cases, as well as how key information can be ‘lost’ between transfers which can lead to a ‘start again’ approach.
Therefore, the Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnerships have created a new ‘Children and families who move across Safeguarding Children Partnership Boundaries Procedure’ to clarify existing procedures and practice when families move to a different Local Authority area. The new procedure addresses transfer of case responsibility for Children in need, Children on Child Protection Plans, Children in Care, Children subject to statutory orders, and a variety of other circumstances, such as children who move in the middle of s47 enquiries.
Please do familiarise yourself with the new procedure to support consistently effective case transfers across the region, and beyond.