East Sussex Safeguarding Adult Board – Safeguarding Adult Review Anna
The ESSAB has published the SAR Anna overview report today (16.05.2022) along with the board response.
Anna was 85 when she died in hospital of natural causes, but her condition on admission had raised concerns because it was noted that Anna had multiple bruises and skin tears over several parts of her body. Previously, safeguarding referrals were raised between December 2016 and 2019, when Anna had been in residential care, but had later returned to live with her daughter – five months before Anna’s death.
East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board (ESSAB) commissioned a Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) to understand if lessons could be learnt by organisations who supported Anna, particularly in how the way agencies worked together, to evaluate and understand coercion and control, and protect potential victims of domestic abuse.
It was felt that the circumstances relating to Anna’s death had some similarities with a previous SAR, (Adult B) published by ESSAB in February 2020, and that this Review should also explore the extent to which previous learning had been embedded into practice.