ESSCP Training Update
The ESSCP was hoping to begin some classroom-based training for our SCP partners from September 2020, however due to the ongoing risks brought by Covid-19 partners have agreed that there will be no classroom training for the rest of 2020.
An initial selection of courses has been chosen to run as virtual sessions, between August and December 2020. These include:
- Practical Prevent: Resources and Guidance on Implementing Prevent in Schools and Colleges (25 September)
- Collaborative Working with Children and Young People with Mental Health Issue (October 6)
- Parental Drug and Alcohol Use and the Impact on Children (7 October)
- Child Criminal and Sexual Exploitation: Working with Young People at Risk (29 November)
- Managing Allegations Against Staff (3 November)
- Working with Gypsy and Traveller Children, Young People and Families (3 November)
- Understanding Safeguarding in a Digital World (9 November)
- Young People and Substance Misuse – Professional Level (12 November)
- MAPPA (Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements) Pan Sussex Briefings – Risk Management of Known Offender (16 November)
- Identifying Sexual Abuse of Children (17 November)
- Child Protection Awareness for Private, Voluntary, and Community Groups (25 November)
Most of the planned classroom training from September onwards will be delivered virtually via MS Teams, or Zoom where courses are delivered by external trainers. To register your place at these courses please continue to use the East Sussex Learning Portal: East Sussex Learning Portal – ESSCP
The ESSCP recognises how daunting delivering in these new ways can be, so it has assured our ‘Training Pool’ members that that they will receive all the support they need to plan and deliver any virtual sessions, whilst acknowledging that some courses do not currently lend themselves to a virtual offer. Where delivering via MS Teams is not possible due to the content/structure of the training a Learning Briefing, which encapsulates the key learning points covered in the classroom course, will be designed. These will be shared with colleagues from all partner agencies via our ESSCP website, communications channels and other distribution lists.
Whilst we hope to resume classroom-based delivery post-Christmas it is envisaged that some existing ESCCP courses may continue to run as virtual sessions. Training that can be offered Pan Sussex, such as the existing MAPPA course, lends itself to a virtual delivery as the key messages and learning outcomes are the same across the Local Authorities. We anticipate that take up of places will be greater than before where travelling across the whole of Sussex was prohibitive, expensive and far less green than delivering events through MS Teams.