Mental Health Project support for unpaid adult carers
Our Mental Health Project supports unpaid adult carers who look after an adult relative, friend or neighbour who has a severe mental illness (SMI). We provide face-to-face and online carers groups, activities and information sessions to improve carers’ health and wellbeing, encourage peer support, and increase carers’ understanding of mental health and mental health services. We also provide one-to-one support by email, telephone, video call, and face-to-face when necessary.
In addition, SMI carers may access other Care for the Carers services, which include information and advice from our Carers Hub, the East Sussex Carers Card (for identification and discounts), emergency planning, telephone befriending, counselling, help to apply for grants, quarterly magazine, monthly newsletter and more.
All of our services are free of charge.
If you would like to refer an unpaid carer to us, please fill in the Professional Referral Form on our website and include your job title, department and organisation in the ‘Reason for Referral and Referrer Details’ field. Or call our Carers Hub on 01323 738390.
Unpaid carers may also self-refer by calling us on 01323 738390, emailing us at or sending a text message to 07860 077300.
As long as the carer or cared-for person live in East Sussex (excluding Brighton & Hove), the carer may register with us.
We send SMI carers a fortnightly email with information that is relevant to them, and intend to share the information with you as well. You are welcome to share this email with your colleagues. If you would prefer not to receive emails from our Mental Health Project, please let us know and we will stop them.
If you have any questions about the Mental Health Project, or would like to speak to our SMI carers about your own service, feel free to contact us. Thank you.