NHS Sussex Safeguarding & Children in Care Fortnight 2023 – event bookings now open
NHS Sussex welcomes colleagues to join them at this years NHS Sussex ‘Safeguarding and Children in Care Fortnight’ (6 – 17 November)
We very much enjoy providing this annual fortnight of events for multi-agency professionals across Sussex. It is essential for us all to keep up to date and informed around safeguarding and the impact everyone can have.
This years theme is Health Inequalities and the impact on children in care and safeguarding and we welcome a range of very experienced internal and external speakers to deliver both virtual and in person sessions for you all.
An example of this years events include;
- Transition in Safeguarding
- Exploring extreme right wing narratives
- What can we learn from responding to Survival Sex?
- Safer Sleep; understanding why we need to change our practice
- Contextual Safeguarding
- Working with self-neglect
- Learning from people with a learning disability and autistic people
- Care Leavers
- Introduction to Crimes of Honour
- Adversity and Mental Health
- Trauma informed practice
- Armed Forces Community
- Intimate Partner Violence
- Substance Misuse
- Fraud, scams and finance abuse
The 2023 fortnight includes 13 virtual events and 1 face to face conference day. Please see the below posters for further information and booking links:
Safeguarding & Children in Care Fortnight 2023 virtual events 6 – 17 November
Safeguarding & Children in Care face to face Conference 15 November 2023
Michael Brown, Head of Safeguarding and looked-after children Team, NHS Sussex