Refreshed Sussex Safeguarding Adults Review Protocol 2023
A refreshed Sussex Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) Protocol has now been published. The protocol and referral form have been updated in collaboration with the three Safeguarding Adult Review Subgroups of the three Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs).
There have been a couple of changes which we would like to make you aware of:
- The criterion for a SAR has now been aligned to the Care Act 2014 wording which now states that the death was as a result of abuse and neglect and not that abuse, and neglect was a factor in the death (the previous wording in the protocol).
- Details on the arrangements for endorsing a SAR when an Independent Chair may not be in post.
- Improvements have been made to the SAR Referral Form which will improve information the referrer initially provides which supports the SAR criteria.
- The timescale for completing a review has been amended from 6 months to 9 months to reflect the average time a review takes to complete.
The refreshed protocol and referral form are now available on the East Sussex Safeguarding Adult Board website:
- SAR Referral Form
- Sussex SAR Protocol
- A Learning Briefing on SARs is available
The refreshed protocol will also be available on the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures
If you have the previous SAR referral form/SAR protocol documents stored on internal safeguarding pages these will need updating to reflect the changes.