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Date: Thursday, 01st Oct 2020 | Category: General

We’re encouraging organisations, services, groups and individuals across the county to make use of the social media messaging, images, video links and newsletter text available within the Keeping Children Safe – Social media toolkit, using the hashtag #safechildrentogether.

The toolkit has been created by East Sussex Public Health (and partners) and aims to:

  • help raise awareness of unintentional injuries in East Sussex among professionals and the public (focusing on families)
  • make it easy for you to take action and raise the issue with families, and;
  • provide engaging information about the simple steps everyone can take to help prevent unintentional injuries to children.

The toolkit is available to download from Health Promotion Resources East Sussex. It focuses on a wide range of topics including accidental poisoning, burns & scalds, fire & electrical safety, choking, and safer sleep. Whilst social media content is often linked to national campaigns, many of our social media posts are suitable for use at any time of year.

Keeping your little ones safe from burns and scalds

During October, the toolkit will focus on ‘keeping your little ones safe from burns and scalds’. Did you know that…

  • in 2019, 4,926 children under 5 in the UK were so badly burnt they were admitted to a NHS specialist burns service – that’s over 13 toddlers every day.
  • In the last 12 months, an average of 3 children under 5 years attended an East Sussex A&E every week due to a burn or scald.
  • In the last 12 months, 30 babies under 1 year of age attended an East Sussex A&E due to a burn or scald.
  • 95% of all childhood burns and scalds happen at home.It often comes as a surprise to parents just how easily a young child can badly burn themselves. Most are caused in the day-to-day situations that many parents don’t anticipate, like children reaching a hot drink or grabbing hair straighteners. Because their skin is more delicate than an adult’s, a baby or toddler is also more at risk from serious burns.
  • Prevention and good first aid are key to reducing the number of burns and scalds occurring each year. The CAPT website provides top tips for families, to include a room-by-room guide on how to prevent burns and scalds.

Please support us by sharing these messages with the families with whom you work, and encourage your colleagues and partners to use the attached social media by building these into ongoing communications plans.