Safeguarding Adults Board – updates
Safeguarding Adult Board Conference
The Brighton & Hove and East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards (SAB) will be hosting a joint virtual conference on Tuesday 2nd February 2021 on ‘Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR): a multi-agency approach’. This is delivering on a recommendation within the Adult B SAR Action Plan, but also taking the opportunity to link with a neighbouring SAB to draw upon parallel themes from reviews and also Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs).
The event will include a range of workshops, including trauma-informed practice, Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and inherent jurisdiction and professional curiosity. Further information and formal invitations to the event will follow soon, but until then please save the date.
Making Safeguarding Personal Guidance
Another recommendation from the Adult B SAR was to develop guidance in relation to Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP), including information about resolution mechanisms to respond to situations in which an individual cannot be seen alone and there are concerns about the impact of coercion and control on decision making. This guidance document was recently agreed at the Operational Practice Subgroup and has been published on the SAB website:
Further promotion of this guidance will follow in due course to coincide with the launch of an updated MSP leaflet, but please share this resource within your organisations