Safer unscheduled sleep this festive season
Over the past few years the Sussex CDOP has sadly reviewed a number of recent sudden unexpected child deaths. Each one of these child deaths brings with them unimaginable trauma and pain for families, friends, communities and professionals.
As we approach the festive season we would like to remind all professionals – including Social workers, Early Help and other professionals – that they should be repeating and reinforcing the messages about safer sleeping that Midwives and Health Visitors give to parents, as part of their work with families.
Think about your sleeping arrangements this festive season
Routines often change over the festive season. People visit friends and relatives, have more to drink and often go to bed at a different time. It may be more difficult to access a safe sleeping space for a baby.
- If you’re sleeping somewhere different, think in advance about the sleeping arrangements for your baby.
- Even if you usually share your bed with a baby, it is very dangerous if you or anyone in the bed has recently drunk any alcohol, taken any drugs or medication that make you sleepy.
- At this time of year, you might be tempted to wrap your baby up to keep them warm while they are sleeping. However, it’s important to make sure your baby doesn’t get too hot.
Please share the below resources across your teams:
SUDI STOP information – Pan-Sussex FINAL
Updated Safer Sleeping 2023 – 9 minute briefing v2
Please see below the advice for parents and carers: