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Specialist perinatal mental health service (SPMHS)

Date: Thursday, 06th Oct 2022 | Category: General

The specialist perinatal mental health service (SPMHS) is available to support vulnerable women who have recently given birth. This is a community-based service for mothers with severe mental health difficulties either now or in the past, during pregnancy or up to a year after birth. The service is provided by Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. The Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service has been operational in East Sussex for 10 years and provides assessment, treatment, psychological therapies and specialist support to families in East Sussex.

Since June 2022 they have had a Bereavement Pathway in East Sussex- this offers psychological treatment and support and is part of the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service available to anyone who has been pregnant and experienced a stillbirth (when a baby dies during pregnancy from 24 weeks gestation) or neonatal loss (when a baby dies during the first 28 days of life). Please view the SPFT website for more information and referral pathway:  You can also see short film about the service at