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Updated contact details for domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking and harassment services in Sussex

Date: Tuesday, 20th Apr 2021 | Category: General

From the 1st April 2021 there will be some changes to the provision of domestic abuse, sexual violence and stalking and harassment services in Sussex. These changes are of the supplier rather than what is being delivered and will not affect the service on offer. The current Portal arrangement will end on 31st March:

The specialist domestic abuse services for East Sussex will be provided by CGL. To make a referral by email:  or please call:  0300 323 9985 to make a referral or for general enquiries. For more information:


The specialist rape and sexual violence abuse service for Sussex will be provided by Survivors Network: To make a referral online:  or by email:   or please call: 01273 203380. For general enquiries email  or for further information:


The specialist stalking advocacy services for Sussex will be provided by Veritas Justice: To make a referral or for enquiries please email:   or please call: 01273 234773. For further information: